Physical Education

Subject Leader: Mrs Diane Steinmann-Burnell

Health and Well-Being Teacher: Mrs Ramsden

PE Policy 2023 2024

Our Physical Education Intent

We aim to deliver high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Aims in teaching Physical Education:

We aim:

  • To stimulate curiosity, imagination, creativity and develop the ability to operate effectively in a technological world.
  • To develop the social skills necessary to work as a team, as well as the ability to work independently when the situation demands.
  • To encourage confidence in children to enable them to develop ideas, isolate issues and deal with technological problems.
  • To have practical experience of focused hands-on tasks, product evaluation and investigation and insight into the processing of designing and making.
  • To encourage and develop independence in the safe use of tools and equipment.
  • To have some knowledge and understanding of the ever-changing use of technology in the wider world.
  • To raise standards in communication, reading, writing and mathematics so that every child makes best progress.
  • To value and celebrate diversity in culture and language.
  • To ensure equal opportunity - all children are provided with equal access to the English curriculum. We aim to provide suitable learning opportunities regardless of gender, ethnicity or home background.


If you have any questions about the teaching of Physical Education at Martin Frobisher Infant School, please speak to your child's teacher or Mrs Steinmann-Burnell (Physical Education Leader). 


Here you will find information on our Sports Premium expenditure and action plans.

Health Week June 2023

This year the whole school is took part in a ‘Health Week’. Health week incorporates many aspects around being healthy, including looking after our emotional and mental health as well as our physical health and eating healthily. Health week includes a variety of activities designed to encourage being physically active and promote well-being. We always aim to be active here at Martin Frobisher but in Health Week it becomes a main focus; all children will have the opportunity to take part in many additional activities throughout the week which they will thoroughly enjoy.

During health week, we learnt about feelings and managing our emotions and we look at how all feelings can be helpful. Younger children had different circle time sessions to discuss what they know about feelings and how they can recognise different feelings. They also discussed how we help when our friends are feeling a certain way. We spent time discussing that even uncomfortable feelings are good, how we can use these feelings to help us and how we can manage these feelings in a positive way. Although this message is given in health week, children are encouraged to talk about their feelings all the time and seek help when they feel that they need it.

We had many fun, engaging and exciting activities across the week including

Monday - Emotions/Feelings work with CAHMS and in class. UFS Sports Day

Tuesday - Work in class about caring for our bodies, keeping ourselves and teeth clean. KS1 Sports Day

Wednesday - Nursery Sports Day, Making healthy smoothies using different fruits and vegetables and tasting them. Some were nicer than others! Road safety activities - how to cross the road safely and wearing a seatbelt to keep us safe.

Thursday - Health improvement team Wakefield Council brought in Blazepods for a physical and fun active session.

Friday - Our finale Mini Mudder Spectacular!

Here are some photos from the week :)


Key Stage One Knowledge Organiser PE - Dance -

Autumn 2

Key Stage One Knowledge Organiser PE - Sending and Receiving  -

Autumn 2

Foundation Stage Knowledge Organiser PE - Introduction to PE Unit 2 - Autumn 2

Yorkshire Born Sports Stars...

Let's see what the future holds for our budding sports stars here at Martin Frobisher...

We have recently signed up to GetSet4PE Scheme to use from Nursery to Year 2.

We used our Sport's Premium Funding to purchase our new PE Scheme which will support high quality PE sessions for our children giving them the best possible start on their sporting journey.


Coming soon.... Watch this space for a Monthly Calendar of activities you can do with your children at home to help keep active and healthy.