Curriculum Information for Parents
At Martin Frobisher Infant School, we work hard to ensure parents are fully aware of what their child is learning at school, in all areas of the curriculum. We also strive to promote ways in which your child's education can be enhanced further at home. Below, you will find the curriculum overviews for the current half term for each phase in school. These set out what the children will be doing in the different curriculum areas during the current theme. You will also find the home learning ideas, which provides parents with some questions and activities that can be completed at home. It also suggests some books, television programmes and films linked to the current theme that you may wish to provide for your child during the half term to continue their interest in the topic. These are sent out to parents half termly on Evidence Me for you to access at home.
Nursery Curriculum Overview For Summer 1
Nursery home learning ideas for Summer 1
Reception Curriculum Overview for Summer 2
Reception Home Learning ideas for Summer 2
Key stage 1 Curriculum Overview for Autumn 2
Key stage one home learning ideas for Autumn 2