OUR Curriculum Intent
At Martin Frobisher Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is designed with our children’s needs and interests at heart! All of our staff embrace Early Years and Infant Education and the research that underpins a child-lead, child-initiated Curriculum informed by the National Curriculum and The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. With this always at the front of our minds, we plan and deliver a themed approach to teaching and learning. Our direct teaching is supported by high quality, purposeful provision which enables all of our learners to extend and embed their skills across the curriculum. We build on children’s prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences, support the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience, perseverance, independence and become creative, critical thinkers.
The work and opportunities that we provide for children and the way this is organised and presented to them is crucial for successful learning now and in the future. As such, the curriculum is a very important part of our school. We follow the National Curriculum 2014. We review our curriculum and the themes which we teach regularly because we want children to enjoy learning because it is relevant to them, linked to current events and to be inspired and motivated to learn new skills, knowledge and vocabulary.
Through our curriculum we ...
- …aim to provide opportunities for all children to dive as deep as they can go and become completely immersed in their learning.
- …aspire for all children to enjoy their journey at our school and build a bank of happy memories.
- … strive to create a learning opportunities with engage all learners and enable them to succeed and make good progress.
- …want children to recognise and share their emotions, learning strategies to deal with worries.
- …want all of our children to wake up every morning feeling eager and excited about their day ahead and the new things they will learn.
- …provide a language rich learning environment that encourages children to be articulate, expressive and confident. Each new word our children learn is a rung on the ladder to success.
- …encourage our children to share their learning with each other, their families and the wider community.
- …use a thematic approach inspired by children’s interests and local and global events which spark children’s thirst for learning.
- …help children to develop knowledge and skills in order to become independent learners. We encourage all of our children to make independent choices and take responsibility for these
- …aim to meet the needs of all learners in our curriculum by helping children to find and develop their preferred learning style so they can see learning as a personal journey.
Our Curriculum Rational, alongside our I CARE values and Golden Rules and Reasons, underpins everything we do at Martin Frobisher Infant School and Nursery. Please have a look at our full Curriculum Rational to find out a little bit more about what we believe in for our children and their education!
OUR Curriculum Implementation
To ensure key skills, knowledge and vocabulary is embedded in each subject, we plan repetition of aspects throughout the year and over a two year cycle so our children have lots of opportunities to deepen their understanding and refer to their bank of memories to further their learning.
In the Foundation Stage, we plan our curriculum around the needs, interests and next steps of our children. Within Key Stage One we map coverage of skills across the year to ensure that children revisit concepts and delve deeper into learning. This is planned over a two year cycle to allow our children to build upon skills and revisit knowledge through KS1.
Key stage one and nursery both run on a two year cycle, to enable children to have different experiences across their time in each of those phases.
At Martin Frobisher Infant School our children receive an outstanding grounding in basic skills, including phonics and reading, writing, spelling, grammar, mathematical understanding and confidence in the expressive arts.
All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra challenge in this subject. Each foundation subject is split further into individual aspects and we break down skills within these to set high expectations for each year group and to ensure children are on track to achieve the very best of their potential at the end of each Key Stage. These, along side our key vocabulary expectations makes sure that our children become articulate, knowledgeable, confident learners who are well prepared for the next step in their education.
Please enjoy exploring our different subject areas using the links below.
OUR Curriculum Impact
As part of our everyday school routine, there is an ongoing process of assessment throughout a child's time at Martin Frobisher. We follow the the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum to assess children against age related standards. In Foundation subjects we assess children against their understanding of the skill or knowledge covered at that time. In Foundation Stage we assess children termly against all 17 aspects of the EYFS.
Our teachers then plan subsequent opportunities for children who need further consolidation of particular knowledge or a certain skill. Provision is enhanced so children can continue to deepen existing learning and apply this in many ways. All of our staff are involved in assessing our children across the curriculum.